NC State in Seville

Housing Questionnaire

You will be living with a Spanish host family. The family will provide a light breakfast, lunch, and dinner, plus weekly laundry and room cleaning.
Living with a host family will allow you to practice your Spanish. Most families in Seville live in apartments. Although we cannot guarantee you will be living with another student from the program, you can indicate your preferred option on the housing questionnaire, and we’ll do our best to honor all requests. Most families are within 30-40 minute walking distance from the school. Be prepared to walk this distance, just like most people in Seville do. This year, to maintain the quality of our host families, COWA has expanded the radius where students can live, so some students will need to use public transportation to get to and from COWA.

Please complete the housing questionnaire below:

    Your name (required)

    Your email (required)

    Major/minor (required)

    Age (required)

    Gender (required)

    This housing form helps us find an appropriate family for you. Housing placements are made based on the families available. We cannot guarantee either single or shared accommodations. Also, some students might end up living with host families with other international students from other programs, which we consider an enrichment of everyone's experience.


    1. Would you like to live alone in a host family without any other roommates?YesNo

    Why or why not?

    2. If you would like to be placed with a roommate, do you have a preferred roommate?
    During the summer, some families may be able to accommodate more than two students. We have provided space for you to choose more than one roommate.
    (please note that you may not request a romantic partner as your roommate)

    If yes, who?

    Does this person know that you have requested them as a roommate?YesNo

    If yes, who?

    Does this person know that you have requested them as a roommate?YesNo

    If yes, who?

    Does this person know that you have requested them as a roommate?YesNo

    3. If you have spoken with previous students and would like to request a specific area or family, please let us know here.

    4. Rank the following options according to your preferences, number 1 being your first choice and number 4 being your last choice.

    Family with young children1234

    Family with older children1234

    Couple with no children1234

    Single woman with no children1234

    We cannot guarantee that you will be placed with a particular type of family but will take the following preferences into consideration

    5. Do you have a preference regarding pets in your homestay?I would like to have a pet in my homestayI do not want to have a pet in my homestay/I am allergic to petsI have no preference

    If you do have a pet allergy, please state it here:

    6. Do you smoke?Yes and I don't mind living with smokersI object to living with smokersI have no preference

    If you do object to living with smokers, do you have a smoking related allergy or illness?

    7. Indicate yes or no:

    Are you a vegetarian? NoYes

    Are you vegan? NoYes

    Are you a pescatarian? NoYes

    Do you eat chicken? NoYes

    Do you eat red meat?NoYes

    Do you eat fish?NoYes

    Do you have any food allergies, health-related problems or religious restrictions that should be taken into consideration? If so, please specify:

    8. Do you have any special conditions or needs that you would like the housing coordinator to be aware of? (mental health disorder, eating disorder, physical limitations, etc.)

    9. Activities that you might be interested in doing while in Sevilla (sports, going to a gym, playing an instrument, etc.)

    10. Any other comments?