Compliance and Equity


The Spanish Constitution declares that the dignity of the person constitutes one of the foundations of the political order and social peace, recognizing the right of every person to non-discrimination, equal treatment, the free development of their personality and their integrity. physical and moral. The Workers’ Statute specifically contemplates the right of workers to respect for their privacy and due consideration for their dignity, including protection against harassment based on racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability , age or sexual orientation, and against sexual harassment and harassment based on sex.

The company Connecting Worlds Abroad SL with NIF B90191552 and address at Calle Colombia 11, Portal 2, nº 2 (41013) in Seville, expresses its express commitment to the principles of business ethics and specifically to the human and labor rights recognized in the legislation and in international agreements. It is established that professionalism and integrity constitute guiding criteria for the conduct of the professionals of Connecting Worlds Abroad SL and the principles of non-discrimination, respect for personal and family life and the right to privacy are enshrined. In accordance with these principles, Connecting Worlds Abroad SL undertakes to create, maintain and protect a work environment where the dignity of the person and the rights and values ​​to which reference has been made are respected.

In order to ensure that all workers, collaborating families and especially students, can enjoy an academic environment in which their dignity, moral integrity and sexual freedom are respected and their health is not negatively affected. For this reason, Connecting Worlds Abroad SL declares its commitment to promote an organizational culture that guarantees equal, respectful and dignified treatment to all its personnel, rejecting all types of workplace, sexual and gender-based harassment or other discrimination such as origin racial or ethnic, religion or convictions, disability, age, sexual orientation or any other personal or social condition or circumstance, as well as any form of violence at work, both physical and psychological.

Any conduct that violates this statement may be reported to the entity’s Privacy Officer via our confidential email account

[ES] La Constitución Española declara que la dignidad de la persona constituye uno de los fundamentos del orden político y de la paz social, reconociendo el derecho de toda persona a la no discriminación, a la igualdad de trato, al libre desarrollo de su personalidad y a su integridad física y moral. El Estatuto de los Trabajadores, de forma específica, contempla el derecho de los trabajadores/as al respeto de su intimidad y a la consideración debida a su dignidad, incluida la protección frente al acoso por razón de origen racial o étnico, religión o convicciones, discapacidad, edad u orientación sexual, y frente al acoso sexual y al acoso por razón de sexo.

La empresa Connecting Worlds Abroad SL con NIF B90191552 y domicilio en Calle Colombia 11, Portal 2, nº 2 ( 41013) de Sevilla, manifiesta su compromiso expreso con los principios de la ética empresarial y específicamente con los derechos humanos y laborales reconocidos en la legislación y en los pactos internacionales. Se establece que la profesionalidad y la integridad constituyen criterios rectores de la conducta de los profesionales de Connecting Worlds Abroad SL y se consagran los principios de no discriminación, de respeto a la vida personal y familiar y el derecho a la intimidad. De acuerdo con estos principios, Connecting Worlds Abroad SL se compromete a crear, mantener y proteger un entorno laboral donde se respete la dignidad de la persona y los derechos y valores a los que se han hecho referencia.

Con el fin de asegurar que todas las personas trabajadoras, las familias colaboradores y en especial, los estudiantes, puedan disfrutar de un entorno académico en el que su dignidad, integridad moral y libertad sexual sean respetadas y su salud no se vea afectada negativamente. Por ello, Connecting Worlds Abroad SL declara su compromiso de impulsar una cultura organizativa que garantice un trato igual, respetuoso y digno a todo su personal, rechazando todo tipo de conducta de acoso laboral, sexual y por razón de sexo u otra discriminación como el origen racial o étnico, la religión o convicciones, la discapacidad, la edad, la orientación sexual o por cualquier otra condición o circunstancia personal o social, así como cualquier forma de violencia en el trabajo, tanto física como psicológica.

Cualquier conducta que atente contra esta declaración podrá ser denunciada al Privacy Officer de la entidad a través del email confidencial

Digital Pact of the Spanish Data Protection Agency for the protection of individuals (Digital Pact)

Conecting Worlds (COWA) has joined the Digital Pact of the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) for the protection of individuals (Digital Pact). Organisations which subscribe to this digital pact, would all sign a contract, showing their commitment to implementing the recommendations of the pact within their organisation. In addition, these organisations will commit to giving their employees, providers, students and users access to the Priority Channel to request the urgent removal of sexual or violent content online, as well as other key tools and resources to help raise awareness on the importance of privacy and personal data.

The Digital Pact aims to:

  1. Promote privacy both in public and private entities.
  2. Strengthen the commitment to privacy in entities’ sustainability policies and business models, reconciling the fundamental right to data protection with innovation, ethics and competitiveness.

The Digital Pact is voluntary, but the entities joining the pact agree to:

  1. Implement its principles and guidelines.
  2. Adopt appropriate and effective measures.
  3. Prove that data processing activities comply with the applicable provisions (the GDPR and the Spanish Data Protection and Digital Rights Guarantee Act) and that the adopted measures are effective, reviewing and updating these measures when necessary.

The entities joining the Digital Pact also agree to provide their employees and users with all of the AEPD’s tools and resources, to raise awareness about the importance of privacy. Membership will last one year, and it will be automatically extended unless the member entity withdraws from the pact.

The Digital Pact seeks to strengthen digital rights and obligations and to ensure that all digital actors are aware of the consequences and liability (civil, criminal and administrative) arising from data protection violations. The Digital Pact includes three documents: Membership Letter, in which entities publicly agree to protect personal data (including customer, user and employee data) and to use technology ethically and responsibly through more specific commitments. These commitments include, e.g.:

  1. Informing about the Priority Channel and other AEPD resources.
  2. Promoting a harassment-free workplace (including the digital environment).
  3. Encouraging innovation and digital transformation ethically, responsibly and transparently.
  4. Establishing remote working guidelines protecting employee and students privacy.
  5. Launching privacy training and awareness raising campaigns.

Digital Responsibility Commitment (DRC), in which entities agree to fulfill digital requirements internally, disseminating and advancing these requirements both internally and with third parties.

These requirements include:

  1. Ensuring transparency and disclosure to users regarding any collected data, the purposes of the processing and the exercise of users’ rights; (ii) applying data processing principles.
  2. Ensuring lawful processing.
  3. Appointing a data protection officer, promoting the appointment even if it is not required.
  4. Applying privacy by design and by default.

The DRC also provides the potential liability for entities and individuals in case of non-compliance with these requirements, and it includes a set of principles to promote digital and ethical responsibility.

These principles are aimed at ensuring transparency, preventing technology from perpetuating biases and inequality, protecting children and promoting gender equality.

Datos de contacto para ejercer sus derechos

Connecting Worlds Abroad S.L. Calle Colombia 11, Portal 2, 2A, 41013 Sevilla (Sevilla), –

Datos de contacto del delegado de protección de datos:

Calle Colombia 11, Portal 2, 2A, 41013 Sevilla (Sevilla), –