
The COWA for GVSU in Seville: Hispanic Studies in Multiple Disciplines Application has two parts:

  1. General Application: Please fill out this form with your general information and upload a copy of your Advising Report or Transcript.
  2. Academic Recommendation Information: Please let us know the name and email address of the professor who will be completing your Academic Recommendation. The professor will be notified and sent the recommendation to complete. Please ensure that the email address you give is correct; if not, it is possible that the recommendation will not be completed.

***Please do not hit submit until you have filled out all of the fields, including Name and Email Address of Recommending Professor***

IMPORTANT NOTE: Students must also complete an application with the GVSU Study Abroad Office in order to be considered for the program.


    Your Name (required)

    Email (required)


    Phone Number

    Date of Birth

    Parent or Guardian's Name

    Parent or Guardian's Address

    Current Class Year



    Choose Your Semester:

    Please check the box that applies to you: Fall Semester Spring Semester Full Year

    Choose Your COWA Program:

    Please check the box that applies to you: Intermediate (I've taken at least SPA 202) Advanced (I've taken at least SPA 322; slightly longer semester)

    Short Answers (required)

    Why have you chosen to apply for this particular study abroad program? (max 2500 characters)

    Characters remaining: 2500

    How does this program fit into your academic goals and progress and how will it affect your plans for the future? (max 1500 characters)

    Characters remaining: 1500

    Have you traveled internationally before? If so, please describe your global and/or intercultural experiences. If not, please describe a time when you felt out of your comfort zone and explain what you learned from this experience. (max 1500 characters)

    Characters remaining: 1500

    Upload Advising Report or Transcript



    Name of Professor who will complete Academic Recommendation Form (required)

    Email Address of Professor who will complete Academic Recommendation Form (required)

    Do you waive your right to access this confidential recommendation, as provided in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act?

    I consent to and authorise the use and reproduction in print or electronic format, by Connecting Worlds Abroad (COWA), of any and all photographs or video which have been taken of me for any publicity. I understand that all images are owned by COWA which may publish or use them in any profesional manner

    Please, share your username(s) for any personal or study abroad Instagram accounts so we can follow your journey, tag you in content and allow you to participate in contests for prizes



    Country of Citizenship

    Passport number

    Please check the box that applies to you:

    Upload Current Passport Copy