Welcome to

Richmond Academics and Athletics in Spain

Program Overview

Seville is the capital city of Andalusia, one of the most visited, culturally vibrant and historically significant regions of Spain. Seville is perhaps best known for being one of the most important Moorish kingdoms of the Middle Ages and the center of trade with the New World during the colonial era. In addition, many of the typically “Spanish” cultural phenomena that attract tourists (flamenco, bullfighting, tapas and olive orchards) are identified with this southern city. With over one million inhabitants, the capital city has a lot to offer, without feeling congested or overwhelming like many large cities.

Academics at EUSA

Courses are taught at EUSA (Estudios Universitarios y Superiores de Andalucía), affiliated with the University of Seville since 1996. EUSA is a private school in Nervión, a fashionable neighborhood just a short walk away from historical monuments, parks, shopping centers and a major soccer stadium. In addition to a convenient wi-fi network to which students can connect their personal computers and smartphones, EUSA provides a modern computer lab with wired Internet access and printing facilities. There is also an in-house library, a cafeteria on site, sports facilities, and daily interaction with Spanish students.

Training Facilities at SADUS Gym

While coursework is a priority for all students coming to Seville, for student athletes, access to excellent training facilities and remaining physically active are top concerns. Here in Seville, Univ. of Richmond student athletes will grow academically without neglecting their respective sports by maintaining their training regimens at SADUS Gym, a state of the art workout facility associated with the University of Seville.

There are two different campuses associated with SADUS: Los Bermejales and Pirotecnia. The latter is closer to EUSA, but Spider athletes have access to both. The facilities feature swimming pools, outdoor training fields, tennis courts, professional fields for field hockey, indoor cycling facilities, a dedicated space for circuit training and bodyweight workouts as well as weightlifting equipment and much more.  No matter the sport, Richmond student athletes will have exactly what they need to stay on top of their game.

Richmond Academics and Athletics in Spain Course Offerings

The Academics and Athletics in Spain program is offered in the summer. All courses are UR courses and will transfer with the regular A-F grade scale. Students may earn up to 2 units.

Please refer to the UR program page for more information about course offerings and course listings.

Calendars and Schedules

Thursday, May 16 Arrive in Seville

Taxi Directly to Homestays and Nodis Residence Hall (Avenida de Ramón Carande, 6)

8:00 pm Welcome Dinner at Barrabar’s  

(Cardenal Bueno Monreal, 33)

Friday, May 17 10:00 am: Orientation Meeting at EUSA
Monday, May 20 First day of classes at EUSA
Thursday, May 30 Corpus Christi / No classes
Week June 17 Last week of class and final exams
Friday, June 21 5:30 pm Flamenco Show

8:00 pm: Goodbye Dinner at Picantón 

(C. Cuna, 5, Casco Antiguo)

Saturday, June 22 End of the program


Las siguientes visitas son obligatorias para todos los alumnos:

Saturday, May 18 Visit to Metropol-Parasol (Las Setas) and Antiquarium

Meeting Point: Plaza de la Encarnación

10:30 am
Thursday, May 23 Visit to Real Alcázar
Meeting Point: Plaza del Triunfo
4:15 pm
Monday, May 27 Visit to Catedral de Sevilla

Meeting Point: Plaza Virgen de los Reyes

4:15 pm
Wednesday, June 5 Basilippo Olive Oil Factory
Meeting Point: COWA
3:30 pm
Friday, June 7 – Sunday, June 9 Trip to Córdoba and Granada

Leaving from COWA

8:00 am
Wednesday, June 12 Cooking Class
Meeting Point: Plaza del Altozano
10:15 am
Saturday, June 15 Trip to Itálica Roman Ruins and beach

Meeting Point: COWA

8:15 am
Friday, June 21 Flamenco Show 5:30 pm

ACADEMICS & ATHLETICS – CLASS SCHEDULE (From 9 am – 1 pm Monday to Friday)


LAIS 221 Aula 42