International Spanish Program & Internships

Spring in Seville

Program Overview

Fall and spring semesters in Seville allow you to experience working in a number of different business and healthcare environments. You will learn about what goes into running diverse hospitals, medical facilities, and companies from people with years of experience in the field.

It is essential that applicants have completed a minimum of 5 semesters of Spanish (or equivalent) or get the program’s director’s consent. Seville is known for having one of the Spanish-speaking world’s more challenging accents, after a few months here, you will be able to see your improvement!

Clemson in Spain Course Offerings

Course Offering

During a semester in Seville, students will complete 4-5 courses with 45 contact hours. Courses focus on improving Spanish linguistic competence and cultural familiarity through topics such as business, cinema, culture, grammar, health, and literature. Most courses will also include site visits and guest speakers. Additionally, LIH and LAIB majors will have opportunities to experience how many different types of healthcare facilities and businesses operate. This includes both private and public hospitals, as well as private practices and local companies.

Internship Description

Students with advanced Spanish proficiency and/or permission of the program’s director, will be able to complete an internship of 135 hours within the healthcare world, or 140 hours in a local business/company. The internship experience, coupled with a series of site visits and seminars, will allow students to directly observe the structural and functional organization of the healthcare system in Andalusia as well as the business world. This first-hand experience with international healthcare systems and companies is one the highlights of the program for most students.

LIH – Health Internships

LAIB – Business Internships

  • City Sightseeing: City Sightseeing was created in Sevilla in 1999 as a joint venture between UK-based Ensign Bus and newly-established City Sightseeing Spain. Starting with just four tours in 2000, it is now the largest open-top double-decker sightseeing tour bus operator in the world with tours in more than 100 locations worldwide. Their bright, cheerful and fun-filled red open top buses are sought after by tourists and visitors to some of the world’s top destinations.
  • Real Club de Tenis Betis: This club attracts some of Spain’s best tennis players. Its members have won over 50 tennis championship titles, making it one of Andalusia’s most well regarded training centers for players looking to up their game. The club also hosts the annual “Copa Sevilla Challenger,” a tennis championship that continues to draw talented athletes every year. Not only does the club feature a prominent tennis school, but it also offers other athletic activities including pilates and yoga. Business interns interested in the world of sports can boost their skills in the world of digital marketing, sales, and bilingual website design as they seek to help the club serve current members and gain new ones.
  • Glamping Hub: The unusual name of this company is a combination of “glamorous” and “camping,” and this agency focuses on camping and outdoor experiences involving more luxury and fewer bug bites. In other words, they help customers find sites that keep one foot in the woods and the other in the four-star world. This is a new way to experience the wild, and Glamping Hub is a company that works with the newest tools to improve and market itself.
  • Grupo Alenta: Grupo Alenta is a business consulting company that helps entrepreneurs transform their ideas into successful businesses. They have a trained team of professionals offering assistance in the areas of business administration, accounting, marketing and web development. Understanding that productivity and strategic planning are fundamental pieces to ensure the success of a new business in today’s complex and competitive market, Grupo Alenta provides the experience and infrastructure to help start-ups reach their full potential.
  • Fundación Prodean: Founded in Sevilla in 1990, Fundación Prodean is a non-profit organization committed to the promotion and protection of human dignity. It encourages the participation of all citizens in the social construction of their environments, through volunteer work and community engagement. Some of the organization’s objectives include the promotion of educational and professional development, the protection and defense of women’s rights in all sectors, and eradication of poverty through promotion of projects that support sustainable human, economic and social development.
  • Fundación Valentín Madariaga: Fundación Valentín de Madariaga y Oya is a nonprofit organization founded in 2003. Its objectives are to promote and coordinate educational, business, environmental, cultural and social initiatives and activities. To achieve these objectives, the foundation organizes seminars, conferences and programs designed to encourage entrepreneurial, technological and business-related development. It also holds specific courses aimed at groups who may face exclusion from or difficulty entering the workforce, such as people with disabilities, immigrants, the unemployed, seniors, etc. The foundation promotes and supports acts of sustainability, taking a socially responsible approach to environmental protection. Finally, it organizes a permanent art exhibit as well as additional activities aimed to disseminate historic, artistic, documentary and cultural materials, with a focus on avant-garde and contemporary art.
  • Barenboim-Said Foundation: The inspiration for the Barenboim-Said Foundation came to life in August 2003 during the fifth edition of the West-Eastern Divan Workshop. After two years of work in Andalusia, Daniel Barenboim and Edward Said accepted a proposal by the Junta de Andalucía (Andalusian Government) to launch a broad-reaching project that would be financed by the Junta and would serve to promote intercultural conciliation. One of the principles inspiring the new Foundation is that music cannot be isolated from society. Based on this premise, the main objective of the Barenboim-Said Foundation is to integrate music into the fabric of society.
  • Code Abogados: They are one of Andalusia’s notable young law offices, and their services cover well-established areas of the law while also searching for innovative approaches to areas that are currently changing and developing.  Interns at Code usually work with one of the partners who’s mainly interested in evolving areas of the law such as telecommunication, IT, social media, and intellectual property.  Your research skills would be put to good use on assignments connected to these constantly-shifting fields.
  • Abengoa: Abengoa (MCE: ABG.B/P SM /NASDAQ: ABGB) applies innovative technology solutions for sustainability in the energy and environment sectors, generating electricity from renewable resources, converting biomass into biofuels and producing drinking water from seawater.
  • Sangreespañola: Sangrespañola is a small clothing retailer that generates its own lines of fashion products. Driven by the philosophy that fashion should come from and reflect the relationship we have with our surroundings, each item is designed and created in-house entirely by hand using traditional artesian techniques and materials from Andalucía. Not only does this company employ local Spanish artisans, but creates an end product that is unlike anything that can be purchased outside of Seville. The company name, a melding of the phrase “Spanish blood” reflects the local nature of its products created using techniques passed from generation to generation. Sangrespañola has been around for more than 10 years and currently operates two stores in the historic center of Seville.
  • Club Náutico de Sevilla: One of Seville’s most renowned country clubs, Club Náutico offers members a wide array of athletic activities and social events. Members can go sailing, kayaking, rowing, and more on the beautiful Guadalquivir River. The club seeks to be a place where people of all ages and backgrounds can socialize and interact over a love of nautical sports. You can help make activities accessible for all by creating bilingual activities for club members. There are also exciting opportunities to get creative with the promotion of sporting events through online marketing and bilingual website design!
  • PSF Consulting and Traveling ServicesPSF Consulting and Traveling Services specializes in the creation and management of businesses in the e-tourism sector. Comprised of a team of dynamic and professional individuals, PSF’s personalized service offers customers more than just a trip-it offers an experience. The company’s current projects include, a travel agency specializing in trips to Morocco;, a tech start-up that allows users to search for and hire tour guides in any part of the world; and, a multicultural travel agency offering trips in Spain, Portugal and Morocco. At PSF, interns will not be selling trips, but rather will focus on the internationalization and reach of the company’s products.

Calendars and Schedules

Clemson International Spanish Program & Internships in Seville – Spring 2022 Calendar

January 13 Spring students arrive in Seville
January 14-16 Move in with homestays and Orientation
January 17 First day of classes
February 17-19 Trip to Madrid and Toledo
February 28 Día de Andalucía (Holiday)
March 19-21 Trip to Granada and Córdoba
April 10-April 17 Semana Santa (Holy Week- No class)
April 29 Last day of classes
May 1 – May 7 Feria de Abril (Spring Fair)
May 9- May 13 Final Exams
May 14 End of the program
May 14 or 15 Students depart Seville

Clemson International Spanish Program & Internships in Seville – Spring 2022 Programa de Orientación

11 de enero, jueves Llegada a Sevilla Hotel Alcazar, Menéndez y Pelayo, 10. (Telef. 954 41 20 11)
20:00 Reunión y cena (lugar a confirmar)
13 de enero, viernes 10:00 Traslado a las casas particulares
17:00 Programa de orientación general
18:30-19:00 Reunión académica
17 de enero, lunes Primer día de clases
17:00-20:00 Internship Workshop

Excursiones y Visitas a Monumentos – Spring 2022

The following visits are mandatory for all students:

Catedral de Sevilla TBD  TBD
Reales Alcázares de Sevilla TBD  TBD
Itálica TBD  TBD
Mercado de la Encarnación y Metropol Parasol TBD  TBD
Madrid y Toledo jueves, 17 de febrero – sábado, 19 de febrero TBD
Córdoba y Granada sábado, 19 de marzo – lunes, 21 de marzo TBD
Visitas Opcionales
Almazara Basilippo (Olive oil factory) TBD TBD
Bodegas Góngora  (Winery) TBD TBD



Information and Application

  • Requirements: Must have completed 5 semesters of Spanish (or equivalent) or get the program´s Director´s consent.
  • Housing: Homestay with Spanish host families
  • Academic Credit: All COWA courses have already been pre-approved for credit by Clemson University (see course equivalencies list). Students will take 12-15 credits

The 2022 program fee will be $9,500 per student (or $10,000 with an LIH/LAIB internship), which includes:

  • In-country Academic and Health & Safety orientations
  • Pre-arrival travel and visa assistance
  • Welcome and goodbye dinners
  • 24/7 support and assistnace by COWA staff
  • International Health Insurace for the duration of the program
  • Office space for Clemson visiting faculty (if needed)
  • All activities and excursions
  • All academic componets and onsite advising
  • LIH /LAIB internship workshop, placement and coordination (135h/140h respectively)
  • LIH & LAIB 4000 courses (tied to internships)
  • Full room and board (breakfast, lunch and dinner) in Spanish host families
  • All volunteer and experiential learning opportunities
  • One night hotel stay upon arrival in Seville

The cost does not include:

  • Airfare (flights to and from Seville)
  • Personal expenses

Due to unexpected circumstances, the application deadline for Spring 2022 hast been extended to Nov. 1st, 2021.

  • A complete application must include:
    • General application (click the Apply Here button to the right to access Application page)
    • Academic Recommendation (instructions on Application page)

*Students may also have to complete an application with Clemson´s Pam Hendrix Center for Education Abroad in order to be considered for the program.

COWA’s webpage and hosting is property of Connecting Worlds Abroad S.L. All corresponding invoices, receipts and credit card statements for any transaction made through this website, will show “Connecting Worlds Abroad” as the billing company.

Please click here so you can be directed to our online payment site, where you will be able to pay your program fees once you have been accepted.


Click button below to begin your Online Application!

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