Fall LSCS Program

Program Overview

The Language, Society and Cultural Studies (LSCS) program is intended for students who have completed at least Intermediate Spanish Composition (Spanish 3403). In LSCS, students will choose four to five of the courses offered by COWA to earn 12-15 academic credits. These classes have been pre-approved for graded credit by The Ohio State University. Classes are taken with other LSCS students at COWA facilities. 



During a semester in Seville, students will complete 4-5 courses and earn 12-15 academic credits. These courses have been pre-approved for Ohio State graded credit. Courses focus on improving Spanish linguistic competence and cultural familiarity through topics such as business, cinema, culture, grammar and literature. All courses feature face-to-face instruction with the same number of contact hours as their Ohio State equivalents and some also include service-learning or other community-engagement components. The program also provides cultural activities and excursions to complement in-class learning and to maximize cultural understanding.

Courses are taught at COWA, located near María Luisa’s Park, just a short walk away from the historical centre of Seville. Our facilities include fully equipped intelligent classrooms in which the student will be taking the classes, as well as study and leisure areas. 


Calendars and Schedules

Ohio State in Seville LSCS Fall 2019 – Calendar

August 28 Students arrive in Seville
August 29 Move to homestay
August 30 Orientation
September 2 First day of classes
October 26-28 Trip to Córdoba and Granada
November 1 Holiday–Todos los Santos
November 14-16 Trip to Madrid and Segovia
December 5 Last day of classes
December 6 Holiday–Día de la Constitución
December 8 Holiday–Día de la Inmaculada
December 9 Holiday–Día de la Inmaculada observed
December 10-13 Fall semester final exams
December 14 End of fall semester

Ohio State in Seville LSCS Fall 2019 – Programa de Orientación

28 de agosto, miércoles Llegada a Sevilla: Hotel NH Collection. Avda. Diego Martínez Barrio, 8

Telef: 954 54 85 00

20:00 Bienvenida y cena
29 de agosto, jueves 10:00-12:00 Mini reuniones de alojamiento y traslado a las casas particulares
30 de agosto, viernes 9:00-11:00 Reunión (EUSA Aula 40): Alojamiento, Seguridad, Seguro Médico, Información práctica
12:00-13:00 Reunión (EUSA Aula 40): Temas académicos
31 de agosto, sábado  Paseo en coche de caballos por Sevilla
2 de septiembre, lunes Primer día de clases


Ohio State in Seville LSCS Fall 2019

Excursiones y Visitas a Monumentos 

The following visits are mandatory for all students:

Catedral de Sevilla miércoles, 11 de septiembre a las 15:00 de la tarde
Mercado de la Encarnación y Metropol Parasol sábado, 14 de septiembre a las 11:00 de la mañana
Reales Alcázares de Sevilla miércoles, 18 de septiembre a las 15:00 de la tarde
Itálica y la playa sábado, 21 de septiembre a las 9:00 de la mañana
Viaje a Córdoba y Granada sábado-lunes, 26-28 de octubre Hora TBD
Viaje a Madrid y Segovia jueves-sábado, 14-16 de noviembre Hora TBD

Visitas Opcionales

(Dates and times are pending confirmation.)

  • Bodegas Góngora 
  • Almazara Basilippo 



Information and Application

  • Duration: 
  • Requirements: Must have taken at least through Spanish 3403 and meet GPA requirements (2.7 cumulative and 3.0 in Spanish language coursework)
  • Housing: Homestay with Spanish host family
  • Number of Students Accepted: 15-20
  • Academic Credit: All COWA courses taken will transfer directly as Ohio State graded credits. Students will take 12-15 credits

The 2019 program fee will be 8.600€ per student, which includes:

  • In-country orientation
  • 24/7 emergency support
  • Welcome and goodbye dinners
  • All activities and excursions (see below)
  • Full room and board (breakfast, lunch and dinner) in Spanish host families
  • Health insurance for the duration of the program
  • One night hotel stay upon arrival in Seville

The cost does not include:

  • Airfare (flights to and from Seville)
  • Personal expenses
  • A complete application must include:
    • General application (click the Apply Here button to the right to access Application page)
    • Academic Recommendation (instructions on Application page)

*Students must also complete an application with the OSU Office of International Affairs (OIA) in order to be considered for the program.

COWA’s webpage and hosting is property of Connecting Worlds Abroad S.L.  All corresponding invoices, receipts and credit card statements for any transaction made through this website, will show “Connecting Worlds Abroad” as the billing company

Please click here so you can be directed to our online payment site, where you will be able to pay your program fees once you have been accepted.



Click button below to begin your Online Application!

Request Information

Need more information about the COWA for Ohio State in Seville Program?

    Please email us at contact (at)!