Science in Sevilla Program

Program Overview

The UNC Science in Sevilla Summer offers a great opportunity for students to take a science course in a foreign setting while perfecting their Spanish language skills and at the same time earning credits for their academic future. A UNC professor will serve as Professor-in-Residence and teach one science course.

UNC Science in Sevilla Summer – Course Offerings and Equivalencies

Students in the UNC Science in Sevilla – Summer program will take a science and a Spanish language course.


SUMMER 2024 Courses

Students can chose to take one  of the following:

CHEM 241: Modern Analytical Methods for Separation and Characterization (3 UNC graded credits)

Taught by UNC Professor Dr. Domenic Tiani, Department of Chemistry

Chemistry 241 is a second-year course that provides students with a wide array of important and interesting analytical methods and tools that are utilized to make chemical measurements and solve real-world analysis problems across many disciplines.

Prerequisites: A C- or better in Chemistry 102 or 102H.


All participants will also have the option of completing a Spanish Language course during their time in Sevilla:

Spanish Language for Communication/Español para la comunicación diaria (3 transfer credits)

Taught by local Spanish instructor from COWA

A review of selected topics in Spanish grammar, with special emphasis basic grammatical structures and the correct usage of these structures in conversation.
Prerequisite: 2 semesters of Spanish, completed by the start of the program

Transfers to Carolina as Span 203


Please consult the Course and Credits section of the UNC Study Abroad Science in Sevilla page for a detailed description of the course offerings and requirements.

Academic Info

Course Load

All participants will take a science class taught in English by a UNC professor (3 credits). Students will take a Spanish course taught by local Spanish instructors. Placement in the language class will depend on the student’s language level.

Class Attendance

Classes will be held Monday-Friday. You are expected to attend every class, take all exams as scheduled by the professor, and turn in written work as required for the individual course.

NOTE: Traveling is an educational experience, but you are expected to schedule your traveling around your academic needs, not vice versa. You should plan to travel before the program begins or after the program has ended, not during the official program dates. If you are out of town and miss an exam or fail to turn in
written work, you will receive an “F” for that portion of your grade.


The science course will receive graded UNC credit. Please refer to the Credit Information on the UNC Study Abroad website for more information.

All grades (notas, calificaciones) in courses other than the science course will be based either on a number scale (1-10, 10 being the highest grade) or the words sobresaliente, notable, aprobado, suspenso. Students will need to receive a grade of 5 or aprobado to receive credit at UNC. The grades you earn will not count towards your GPA unless you receive a failing grade. Failing grades will be calculated into your UNC GPA as an F. Please refer to the credit information on the UNC Study Abroad website.

Calendars and Schedules

Thursday, June 27 Arrival to Sevilla

Taxi directly to Livensa Residence Hall

7:45 pm: Welcome dinner at Barrabar’s (Cardenal Bueno Monreal, 33)
Friday, June 28 12:30 pm: Health & Safety Meeting
Monday, July 1 First day of classes
Week of July 29 Last week of classes and final exams
Thursday, August 1 5:30 pm Flamenco Show

8:00 pm: Goodbye dinner at Picantón (C. Cuna, 5, Casco Antiguo)

Saturday, August 3 End of program

Todas las visitas son obligatorias para todos los estudiantes:

Tuesday, July 9 Visit to Catedral de Sevilla

Meeting Point: Plaza Virgen de los Reyes

4:45 pm
Friday, July 12 – Sunday, July 14 Visit to Córdoba and Granada

Leaving from Livensa Residence Hall

8:00 am
Tuesday, July 16 Visit to Basilippo Olive Oil Factory Meeting Leaving from COWA 11:00 am
Friday, July 19 Cooking Class

Meeting point: Plaza del Altozano

10:15 am
Saturday, July 20 Beach Trip

Leaving from Livensa Residence Hall

8:15 am
Thursday, August 1 Flamenco Show 5:30 pm


(Mondays to Thursdays)


CHEM 241 9:00 – 11:00 am Aula 1
SEVI 270: Span Lang for Communication (SPAN 203) 11:00 am – 1:00 pm Aula 1

Information and Application

  • Duration: June 27 – August 3 (aprox. 5 weeks)
  • Requirements: must have completed Spanish 203 and meet GPA requirement (2.9 cumulative GPA).
  • Housing: Livensa Residence Hall
  • Academic Credit: students will receive UNC graded  credit for classes that are taught by the UNC professor. Classes taught by an on-site professor will be pre-approved for UNC credit.

The application deadline is TBD

  • A complete application must include:
    • General application (click the Apply Here button to the right to access Application page)

*Students must also complete an application with the UNC Study Abroad Office in order to be considered for the program.

Request Information

Need more information about the UNC in Sevilla Program? Email us at contact (at) cowa.es!



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