Summer in Sevilla Program

Program Overview

The UNC in Sevilla Summer program is designed for students with various academic interests. This six-week program provides students with the opportunity to study Spanish language, culture, history, and other subjects. The program is divided into advanced and intermediate levels, and students will be placed according to their level of Spanish. Classes are taken with other summer program students.

Summer in Sevilla – Course Offerings and Equivalencies

For students who have completed SPAN 204 or SPAN 255 or SPAN 261, or the equivalent. Students will choose one of the following courses depending on their background in Spanish.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have not completed Spanish 261 (Advanced Spanish in Context) at UNC, you are required to select SEVI 261 Spanish Language in Context.

SEVI 261– SPANISH LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT / Español avanzado en contexto (UNC Equivalency: Span 261)

This course uses literature, film, and culture as a basis for reviewing grammatical concepts, developing writing competency, and improving overall communication skills.

SEVI 301 — INTRODUCTION TO LITERARY AND CULTURAL ANALYSIS / Introducción al análisis literario
(UNC Equivalency: Span 301)

Prepares students to formulate and communicate critical analyses of literary works in various genres (theater, poetry, essay, narrative, and film), while placing the readings within a cultural context.

SEVI 331 — SPAIN AND THE AMERICAS / España y las Américas   (UNC Equivalency: Span 338)

Study of the historical, social, and political consequences of the age of discovery and colonization: Spain at the time of expansion, the indigenous peoples of the Americas, the form and function of colonial government, social unrest, independence, and the decline of Spain.

SEVI 341 — ART & CULTURE OF SPAIN / Arte y cultura española   (UNC Equivalency: Span 340 / 398)

A general introduction to the artistic and cultural heritage of Spain.

For students who have completed SPAN 261 (Spanish Language in Context) or SPAN 300 (Grammar and Structure of Spanish) or SPAN 301 (Introduction to Literary and Cultural Analysis) or the equivalent.

Each student will choose two classes from the following offerings:

SEVI 325 – SPAIN TODAY / España inmediata (UNC Equivalency: Span 340 / 398)

Historical analysis and contextualization of daily occurrences in Spain. This course renders special attention to the Spanish political, social and economic situation, and the analysis of its international relations (mainly European Union, Arab countries, Latin American countries, and the U.S.A.). It also analyzes topics such as the relations between the Catholic Church and the State, Spanish nationalism, and immigration.

SEVI 361 – HISTORY AND ANALYSIS OF SPANISH FILM / Historia y análisis del cine español (UNC Equivalency: Span 361)

A brief tour of the history of Spanish film from its origins through today. This course will analyze films to help students better understand Spanish Society and increase confidence in their ability to communicate (via reading, writing, speaking, and listening) in Spanish.

SEVI 371 – STUDIES IN SPANISH LITERATURE / Análisis de la literatura española (UNC Equivalency: Span 371)

A study of the literature of Spain centering on representative authors and texts from various literary movements situated within their sociohistorical contexts.

SEVI 375 – SOCIAL JUSTICE POLICY & PRACTICE IN MODERN SPAIN / Construyendo igualdad: lecciones de la España moderna  (UNC Equivalency: This course could count at UNC as any of the electives for the Spanish for the Professions Minor)

The course focuses on social justice principles like equity and access within the context of Spanish social policies since 1975. It includes site visits to public institutions in Seville and guest lectures to explore how these principles affect daily life in Spain. Students will engage in service learning, critical discussions, and reflections on historical contexts, including the Spanish Civil War and contemporary issues such as migration. The course aims to enhance understanding of social justice systems and encourage comparisons with students’ home cultures. Overall, it emphasizes experiential education and integrative thinking.

Academic Info

Course Load

You will take two classes for a total of 6 credit hours.

Registration Deadlines

You will register for classes before arriving in Sevilla. You will be allowed to change your schedule during the first two days of classes.

Notes on Registration

As is true for registration at your home college or university, it is the responsibility of each student to make sure that (s)he has officially registered all course changes with the program.

Class Attendance

Classes will be held Monday-Friday. You are expected to attend every class, take all exams as scheduled by the professor, and turn in written work as required for the individual course.

NOTE: Traveling is an educational experience, but you are expected to schedule your traveling around your academic needs, not vice versa. You should plan to travel before the program begins or after the program has ended, not during the official program dates. If you are out of town and miss an exam or fail to turn in written work, you will receive an “F” for that portion of your grade.


All grades (notas, calificaciones) in courses will be based either on a number scale (1-10, 10 being the highest grade) or the words sobresaliente, notable, aprobado, suspenso. Students will need to receive a grade of 5 or aprobado to receive credit at UNC. The grades you earn will not count towards your GPA unless you receive a failing grade. Failing grades will be calculated into your UNC GPA as an F. Please refer to the credit information on the UNC Study Abroad website.

Calendars and Schedules

Friday, May 17 Arrive in Seville

Take taxi to assigned housing

7:45 pm Welcome Meeting and Dinner at Barrabar’s 

(Cardenal Bueno Monreal, 33)

Monday, May 20 Classes begin
5:00 pm Health & Safety Orientation. Meeting at COWA
Thursday, May 30 Corpus Christi/No classes
Week June 17 Last week of class and final exams
Friday, June 21 5:30 pm Flamenco Show

8:00 pm Goodbye Dinner at Picantón (C. Cuna, 5, Casco Antiguo)

Saturday, June 22 End of program

The following visits are mandatory for all students:

Wednesday, May 22 Visit to Bodegas 

Meeting Point: COWA

11:00 am
Tuesday, May 28 Visit to Catedral de Sevilla

Meeting Point: Plaza Virgen de los Reyes

4:15 pm
Friday, May 31- Sunday, June 2 Trip to Córdoba and Granada 

Meeting Point: COWA

8:00 am
Tuesday, June 4 Visit to Real Alcázar

Meeting Point: Plaza del Triunfo

4:45 pm
Monday, June 10 Cooking Class

Meeting Point: Plaza del Altozano

10:15 am
Friday, June 14 Trip to Itálica (Roman ruins) and the beach Meeting Point: COWA 8:15 am
Wednesday, June 19 Visit to Basilippo Olive Oil Factory

Meeting Point: COWA

4:00 pm
Friday, June 21 Flamenco Show 5:30 pm

UNC SUMMER  (Monday to Thursday)

AULA 4 (All LSCS courses)

SEVI 301 Introduction to Literature and Cultural Analysis (SPAN 301) 9:00 – 10:30 am
SEVI 261 Spanish Language in Context (SPAN 261) 10:45 am -12:15 pm
SEVI 341 Art and Culture of Spain (SPAN 340 or 398) 12:30 – 2:00 pm

All SAS courses

EUSA            AULA 21B: 20-29 May
COWA          AULA Sala Estudios: from 3 June

SEVI 361 History and Analysis of Spanish Film (SPAN 361) 9:00-10:30 am
SEVI 325 Spain Today (SPAN 340 or 398) 10:45 am – 12:15 pm
SEVI 371 Studies in Spanish Literature (SPAN 371) 12:30-2:00 pm

Information and Application

  • Duration: May 17 – June 22 (aprox. 6 weeks)
  • Requirements: (LSCS) Must have taken through Spanish 204 and meet GPA requirement (2.9 cumulative GPA). (SAS) Must have completed Spanish 300 or 301 and meet GPA requirement (2.9 cumulative GPA)
  • Housing: Homestay with Spanish host family with full room and board included or single room with private kitchen and bathroom at a residence hall for an additional cost. 
  • Academic Credit:  All COWA classes will be pre-approved for UNC credit.
  • The application deadline is determined by UNC-Chapel Hill.
  • Students must complete their application through the UNC Study Abroad Office to be considered for the program.

Request Information

Need more information about the UNC in Sevilla Program? Email us at contact (at) cowa.es!


Click button below to begin completing all post acceptance documentation for COWA!